• Published : 03 Aug, 2017
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  • Rating : 5

That day I was in abyss of thoughts, probably in the midst

her call then came and she invited me for a tryst.

I jumped from the couch and dashed with the table my fist

putted on my best and galloped in that mist.

I reached there, where she was

and oh Jesus! What a moment it was.

It seemed to me almost like a dream

my heart was jumping, eager to scream.

I confessed my love in that bleak cold

it was blatant of mine, very audacious and bold.

It was equal fire at both the ends

after that we used to meet like bosom friends.

As time passed something went wrong

our relation was not in that tone.

The ocean of love was tempting me to submerge

but she always enquired how much I can splurge.

On asking one day- “why are you doing this honey?”

she calmly replied – “it’s love for money”.

I ranted brusquely- “how mean and cheap are you?”

she simply smiled and explained to me that

love today is a bartering business an ilk of quid-pro-quo.

I wandered here and there in pursuit of peace.

there were thousands of thoughts to hear and hundreds of books to leaf.

As far as peace and pleasure goes

my summary is as follows.

No one is a meek

a favor from you is all they seek.

Pleasure of life has less to do with wealth, clothes, children or wife.

so, for the sake pleasure I am living a hermit’s life.

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Member Since: 02 Aug, 2017


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For the sake of pleasure I am living a hermit's life...
Published on: 03 Aug, 2017

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