Love. The eternal, enigmatic emotion that is the subject of so much discussion. That fires so much creativity in every domain. Is it possible for the world of writing to leave this deep ocean of emotion behind?

In case anyone needs a reminder, some of the best English classics are awesome love stories (Jane Austen, anyone?). In popular fiction too, romance as a genre has endured. And evolved.

And it surely isn’t going out of style. Here is why.


There is one for everyone: Love is a many splendored thing. So is romance as a genre. Even if you are the reader who finds some romance tropes mushy or sloppy; or if cliched portrayals of young or first love make you impatient, worry not. Just as love comes in myriad forms, so do romance novels and stories. Love can be shown in all its different forms-mature love, fantasy stories with love as a theme, erotica, paranormal romance. It can bring humor with it as in the rom-coms, or a whiff of tragedy like novels of the Victorian Era. Finding love a second time or finding it at different stages of the life journey-these have been explored too. Just as some people haven’t yet met the romantic in themselves, maybe it’s just a matter of time before you find the right romance read for yourself

You are probably reading romance already: Love, and love stories, are parts of everyone lives. Whatever genre you enjoy reading, it is unlikely for the protagonists to have lives devoid of love. Thus, romance is a thread that is present in books of other genres too- be it crime, mystery, fantasy, or even science fiction. Mythological fiction, historical fiction and even stories of war are genres where romance is often a pillar of the story.

Reading romance gives a window into relationships: Romances give an inside view of the dynamics of human relationships; the issues that crop up, and how they can be worked upon. They are a very important mirror for healthy relationships. Well written romance stories enlighten the reader to red flags of the unhealthy ones

Romance inspires hope: Most romances end with a Happily Ever after (HEA). Even those that do not follow the usual plotlines bring satisfaction and fulfillment. The protagonists who triumph over their circumstances and challenges, leave the reader filled with hope. They renew our belief in love, and our faith in the universe. In a world where discontent and cynicism seem to be sweeping over our relationships, romance reminds us that love does exist, and will find us someday.

Romance is fun; and an ideal escape too: The harsh realities of our lives; the daily grind; the travails of the real world--A romance read is the ideal escape from all these. A few hours of getting lost in an imaginary world where everything is going up be sorted in the end can be a respite from so much. A soothing balm from the anxieties and stress of our lives is welcome, isn’t it?

Women at the center; and inclusivity too: More and more romance stories have women at the center- choosing their definitions of love, rejecting stereotypes that have prevailed for years and bravely moving beyond constructs that have limited their growth. Love stories can be stories of self-realization and growth, and women finding their authentic selves. As the genre evolves, more and more characters who have been previously ignored in writing-like characters of colour, disabled characters, plus-sized characters, those with non-binary identities, varied sexuality are finding representation. A more inclusive world in the background of love is surely emerging , and the world will be a better place for it

Love stories are good for you: Seriously- they are good for your heart and your brains. When we are invested in a story, we empathise with the protagonists, and begin to fell what they are feeling. Studies show that the same hormones and chemicals that are released when we watch or read love stories, as when we laugh, hug or feel loved are released in our brains, calming us, decreasing anxiety and countering stress hormones. Not for nothing are they called feel good are they?


Shalini's latest book, Stars from the Borderless Sea is available as mentioned below. 

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