• Published : 15 Jan, 2021
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He was at the tatoo shop, ready to get her name tatooed on his chest, near his heart. By this, nobody would dare to snatch her away from him. She, on the other side, was lost in her own world, unaware from the fact that in some corner, someone was waiting for her. He, being a rich spoiled brat, never had this kind of feeling before for any other girl. Girls around him personifies honey bees around honey. On the contrary, she was a kind of girl who would prefer staying away from boys in order to not let her heart break in pieces again. She overcomed her first love rigorously and decided never to fall in that pit again. He was fighting with his family members just for her acceptance in the family cheerfully. His parents were not ready to accept a physically challenged girl in the form of their daughter in law, he being only boy of the family was a loved one and he knew that his parents wanted his happiness, so somehow, they had to surrender infront of his love, obstinacy and his desire to be with her. She was in a belief that no guy would ever love her merely because of her physical appearance, unintentionally ignoring the one who was ready to sacrifice anything just to stay with her. His love for her was pure and eternal. Her fear of getting hurt again was stopping her to fall for anyone. One day his bestfriend decided to tell her everything, as he was too timid to approach her. His friend messaged her about his obsession for her. She was not expecting this kind of message ever from anyone. She was taken aback after reading the lines depicting her importance in his life. She decided to confront him, and was having an urge to question him about each and everything. He was not aware of his bestfriend's deed. He got a message from her on social networking site. His heart was beating fast as it was a message from HER, butterflies were popping up and down in his belly, his lips curved upwards while opening her message, the spark of love was visible in his eyes. But, alas, that excitment lasted a few seconds untill the content of the message was not known to him. 'What the hell you think of yourself? You are not allowed to play with anyone's emotions. Who gave you the right to love me or even to think about something like this? Listen you spoiled rich brat boy, i am not like other girls whom you could impress by your charm and money. I am disabled that does not mean any random guy would come up and starts controlling my life or emotions. You better stay away from me, that is the only choice you have.' He was standing still after reading her message. White pearl like droplets were coming out of his eyes. He was shivering, he felt like his heart would anytime come out from his chest. He tried replying her but found himself blocked. On the other side, her mind was full of various emotions. She was feeling like her mind will blow off any time and the hot lava will come out. She wanted to burn him in that hot fire just for his thinking about her, little did she knew his feelings were pure and he was in love truely. For him, everything seems to be over before starting. He locked himself in his room and cried his heart out. His parents were banging the door outside his room asking for the happenings, but all they were hearing was loud cries and the sound of things breaking off. They apprehensively called his bestfriend to know the matter. His bestfriend came up and tried convincing him and calmed him down. His bestfriend called her bestfriend to fix a meeting so that they both could sort things out. Her bestfriend took her outside assuring her that they were going to meet other friends, little did she knew her life was about to change forever. She, with her bestfriend was enjoying pizza with extra cheeze at dominos when he, with his bestfriend appeared infront of her. She was initially confused to see him standing right infront of her. Her anger boosted up when her bestfriend told her the truth. She was not expecting that her bestfriend would ditch her. She had no other option rather than listening to him. He bent down on his knees infront of everyone. She was embarrassed. He started speaking. 'I accept that i was a playboy, that i had no serious relationships before, that i dumped every girl, but it is also true that this time i am in love. Every person needs a kick in his life, and in my case you gave me that. I saw you three years back and since that day my love for you have increased. I don't love your appearance. I am in love woth your innocent eyes, i am in love with your sweet smile. I never felt those goosebumps, those butterflies, those fast beatings of my heart before for any other girl, but i am feeling all these feelings from last three years just for you. My friends always told me that it is my infactuation, that you are my crush but not love, but you know what crush and infactuation never lasts for such a long time. You changed a complete brat to a human with manners. I started loving myself from the day i started loving you. I don't promise you a perfect relation, but i promise i will hug you after every fight. I promise to be your support whenever your legs refuses to move. I promise to love you till my last breath, just give your hand to me once and i will promise to let you be my queen forever.' She was listening to him with his eyes and mouth open wide. He was still on his knees waiting for her to reply. She was adamant to never fell in love again. His words seems like brait to her. She moved her gaze away from him. He wanted to show her that she was the queen of his heart, and he took off his shirt. People sitting over there started hooting and whistling, she turned her head around to have a look, and was dumbstruck to saw him without shirt, and her name shining in a heart on his chest. She was perplexed to see his six pack abs body and a beautifull heart over there with her name. She signalled him to sit down and he bent over his knees again. She touched that tatoo with her fingers, a sensation ran through his body with her touch and he smiled. She had tears in her eyes and she looked in his eyes. He wiped away that priceless pearls from her face and she hugged him, he hugged her back even tighter. That is how an imperfect yet perfect love story started.

About the Author

Himanshika Sharma

Member Since: 25 Aug, 2014


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An Unexpected Love Story
Published on: 15 Jan, 2021

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